The show, originally broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in the early '90s, was a satire on the way that the news is presented to us through the modern media. As well as being the first appearance of Steve Coogan's now famous Alan Partridge character, the show was later adapted into a TV news format for Morris' The Day Today show.
Previously the only commercial release of the show was a double cassette that contained just two of the six hours of broadcasted material. This was due to a legal dispute with co-writers Stewart Lee and Richard Herring, as all of the parts that they'd had a hand in writing were chopped out of that release. It seems like this has all been resolved now, as Warp are set to release the entire two series as two 4xCD boxsets. Those who can't wait for Morris' forthcoming satire on Jihadi Muslims (one that Morris has even learned Arabic to try and tackle) would be well advised to check this comprehensive collection out.
Warp will release On The Hour on November 24th.