The intriguing collaborative effort has so far spawned a track called ‘Bonkers’ and Dizzee says he is keen to continue working with the house expert, famed for his 1999 No.1 single ‘U Don’t Know Me’.
Bow rapper Dizzee, real name Dylan Mills, told The Daily Star: “I’m working on new material with Armand Van Helden.
“I’m excited by everything that’s about to happen and ready to get back in the studio.”
Dizzee also explained that, amid the credit crunch, he feels his job as an entertainer is even more pertinent – leading him to write increasingly upbeat lyrics.
He added: “Even though it’s a bit of a f***ed up climate right now, I feel it’s my duty to make people be able to enjoy themselves through it.
“Sometimes, when it’s totally s***, people will have more fun becuase they’re grateful for the little enjoyment they can get.”